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Become a Member of OFGA



Applications shall be sponsored by two members in good standing.


Annual Membership Fees


Classification A- $395 per year

Manufacturers, processors, wholesalers, distributors, jobbers, exporters and suppliers of feed, seed, ingredients, premixes and supplements, fertilizer, chemicals, equipment, and miscellaneous allied suppliers.


Classification B -$395 per year

Manufacturers, processors, wholesalers, distributors, jobbers, exporters and suppliers without an office and/or plant in the State of Oregon.


Classification C -$295 per year

Branch and small manufacturing plants. Allied manufacturers, small exporters, brokers and sales representatives.

Classification D -$150 per year

Retail stores and small related businesses.


Classification E -$45 per year

Affiliate members such as banks, insurance agents, law firms and government agencies.

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Oregon Feed And Grain Association, Inc.


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